Understanding your energy usage

Manage your energy use with My Account.

You don’t have to be in the dark about how much energy you’re using. My Account lets you see your energy use by the month, day and hour. 

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Your energy use can be affected by a variety of factors. Your energy use impacts your bill. 

Factors that can impact your energy use: 

  • Weather – The bigger the difference between the temperature outdoors and the temperature indoors, the harder your furnace or air conditioner has to work. (Think about our Midwest winters, when the temperatures dip below 0 degrees. The difference in temperature outdoors and indoors can be more than 70 degrees!) 
  • Habits – Your habits can help you save energy. Turning off lights, changing your furnace filter regularly … even putting on a sweatshirt when you’re chilly instead of turning up the heat can make a big difference.
  • Appliances – Is your refrigerator older? Do you use a dehumidifier certain times of the year?  Everything that you plug in affects your energy use. 

You don’t have to wait for your monthly bill to see how you’re pacing on energy usage. You can view your usage in near-real time in My Account and make changes to use less energy, too. 

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"When I see our usage rising, I am able to work with my family to adjust our patterns to reduce the amount of electricity we use." – Kerry from Leon, Iowa

my account screenshot 

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