One million trees for 1 million customers

Trees make the future brighter and greener for everyone. They shade homes. They improve water quality and protect wildlife. They reduce greenhouse gases. That’s why Alliant Energy is planting 1 million trees in Iowa and Wisconsin by the end of 2030.
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We're planting 1 million trees by the end of 2030!

Why 1 million?
We have approximately 1 million utility customers across Iowa and Wisconsin, so this equals about one tree per customer.
Who will plant all those trees?
We collaborate with organizations focused on public forest restoration and preservation as well as urban forestry. We also partner with nonprofits dedicated to tree planting in communities and rural areas across Iowa and Wisconsin. Examples of our partners include the Iowa and Wisconsin Departments of Natural Resources and Trees Forever.
How much carbon dioxide will the One Million Trees initiative reduce?
Each year, 1 million mature trees sequester about 500,000 tons of CO2. Another way to think about it is one mature tree sequesters about 1,000 pounds of CO2 a year. Of course, the trees we plant will take time to mature. But every year as they grow, they’ll make our communities healthier and more beautiful places to live.
Will Alliant Energy customers pay for the trees?
The vast majority of trees will be paid for with shareowner (not customer) dollars. In Iowa, a small number of trees are covered by customers’ Energy Efficiency contributions.

One Million Trees Recipients

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Tree planting map

We’re still busy at work planting 1 million trees. See how many we’ve planted in your county on the map below. (Note: Pins show the county where trees were planted, not the exact location of each tree.)
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Video: One Million Trees explained

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