An average Fond du Lac medium-size business customer uses 83,400 kilowatt hours of electricity each year.

Below are a several estimates of how community solar could offset an average business’ electricity costs.

25% usage 50% usage 100% usage
48 solar blocks
96 solar blocks 193 solar blocks
$18,025 upfront fees" $36,025 upfront fees* $72,400 upfront fees
$1,157 estimated annual bill credit $2,314 estimated annual bill credit $4,653 estimated annual bill credit
$22,079 estimated 20-year bill credit ** $44,159 estimated 20-year bill credit** $88,777 estimated 20-year bill credit**

*Includes administration and subscription fees.

**Amount includes degradation over the 20-year program.

All figures are estimated and may vary.

Use this calculator to determine the number of 250-watt solar energy producing blocks you need. You can purchase a subscription for up to 100% of your energy use.