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Iowa businesses: Take your facility to the next level with an energy audit

Whether you're looking for simple efficiency upgrades or developing a long-term energy improvement strategy, a facility energy audit is a great first step. It can help prioritize energy efficiency measures, analyze costs and savings potential, and lay the groundwork for an energy management plan. It's not just about saving energy. It's about helping your business succeed.

What is an energy audit?
An energy audit can range from a simple assessment to a detailed evaluation including diagnostic tests and data tracking. In Iowa, we offer customers a free energy audit conducted by a professional energy analyst who will provide information about how your business uses energy and offer details to help you prioritize investments in energy efficiency upgrades.

Three benefits of energy audits
Lower operating costs. You could save between 5% and 30% annually on your utility bills with energy efficiency upgrades pinpointed in an energy audit, according to

Improved comfort and safety. Your employees and customers alike will enjoy a safer and more comfortable environment in your building. Time and again we hear updated lighting has a huge impact. Think about it; eight to 12 hours a day in outdated lighting can really affect your mood and approach to work. New efficient lighting has an instant effect and could avoid visibility-related accidents.

Potentially find cash back incentive opportunities. Energy audits often result in creating custom rebates for a company, cash incentives tailored to qualifying projects that don’t fit our standard rebates.

Ready to start?
Learn more about energy audits and how to start the process for your facility!

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