Second Nature's product mix shows the actual energy mix for the previous year, projected energy mix for the current year and generation locations.

A third-party verifies annually that all electricity purchased on behalf of Second Nature participants comes from qualified renewable resources.


Second Nature is available to electric customers who choose to support generation technologies that rely on renewable energy resources. Customers in Iowa who enroll in Second Nature do so under the Interstate Power and Light Company Second Nature tariff filed with the Iowa Utilities Commission, available online.
Customer contact information
Enrollment and cancellation
Customers electing to participate in Second Nature will be enrolled in the program effective with the customer's next feasible meter reading date after the company is notified by the customer. Customers may cancel from the program at any time by notifying the company. The cancellation will be effective with the next feasible meter reading date after the company is notified by the customer. There is no cost to cancel participation.
Rate structure

Residential customers

The following charges will be billed to Second Nature customers based on customer selected support level. These charges are in addition to the electric residential service energy charge, or the charges under the optional time of day provision.

Standard Rate Code Time of Day Rate Code Participation Level Additional Charge (per kilowatt-hour)
457 100% $0.01
467 50% $0.005
477 25% $0.0025

Billing also includes an adjustment per kilowatt-hour to compensate for changes in the cost of fuel. The Second Nature energy cost adjustment will be fixed for each calendar year and will be recalculated on an annual basis with the most recent actual 12-month period of energy costs and applied in the first calendar month after approval by the Iowa Utilities Commission.

Business, commercial/industrial, and farm/ag customers

Non-residential customers taking service under Second Nature may nominate any monthly dollar amount of participation in the program. This contribution toward the costs of renewable energy will be added to the customer's normal monthly bill.

Non-residential customers will pay the actual energy cost adjustment on their monthly utility bills, but they will receive a billing adjustment for participating kilowatt-hour purchases if the actual energy adjustment on their monthly bills is greater than the fixed Second Nature energy adjustment, which will be recalculated on an annual basis with the most recent actual 12-month period of energy costs.


Second Nature is available to electric customers who choose to contribute to the purchase of renewable energy resources. Customers in Wisconsin who enroll in Second Nature do so under the Wisconsin Power and Light Company Second Nature tariff filed with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, available online.
Customer contact information

Enrollment and cancellation

Customers electing to participate in Second Nature will be enrolled in the program effective date of the customer's next meter reading. Customers may cancel from the program at any time by notifying the company. The cancellation will be effective at the date of the customer's next meter reading. There is no cost to cancel participation.
Rate structure

Residential flat rate customers purchasing the service under Second Nature are subject to all charges applicable to the Rg-1 rate schedule. An additional energy charge per kilowatt-hour (kWh), dependent upon the selected level of participation, shall be applied. Fuel adjustment clause surcharges will be prorated based on the customer's level of participation. The additional energy charge and prorated fuel adjustment clause surcharges are noted below:

  • 25% Level Participation: $0.0025 charge per kWh plus 75% of FAC surcharges.
  • 50% Level Participation: $0.0050 charge per kWh plus 50% of FAC surcharges.
  • 100% Level Participation: $0.0100 charge per kWh.

Residential customers on the time of use rate and all non-residential customers taking service under Second Nature may nominate any dollar amount equal to or greater than $5.00, payable per billing period. For Second Nature accounting purposes, the kWh participation in this program will be determined by dividing the dollar nomination by the Second Nature premium of $0.0100 per kWh. 

Customers are subject to all charges applicable to their respective service rate, with the exception that fuel adjustment clause surcharges will not be applicable to energy purchased under this tariff.