957 Quartz Avenue
Boone, Iowa
Available acres: 150
Topography: Flat – free of brush and trees, no mounds, no wetlands
Zoning: Industrial-Heavy, Industrial-Light
Site certification: Yes
Setting: Industrial park
Within city limits: Yes
Sale price: $25,000 per acre
Nearest interstate: Interstate 35 (16 miles)
Nearest four-lane highway: U.S. Highway 30 (2 miles)
Nearest commercial airport: Des Moines International Airport (49 miles)
Rail served: Yes
Electric: Alliant Energy
Gas: Alliant Energy
– Pressure: 120 psi
Sewer distribution: City of Boone
– Wastewater infrastructure currently 350′ from site but extensions to site will be completed Summer ’19. Total capacity at site is 1.15 mgd, with excess available of 1.0 mgd . City budgeting and planning for wastewater treatment expansion.
Water distribution: City of Boone
– Peak capacity at plant per day: 1.2 million gallons
– Pressure: 50-60 psi
Telecommunications: Ogden Telephone Company