Successful businesses start in Iowa

Low operational costs, a pro-business environment and a highly skilled labor force all make Iowa a great place to locate or grow your business.

Join a thriving manufacturing industry

welding equipment

Based on a strong agricultural foundation, Iowa has transformed its economy over the last 50 years. The state is now home to a wide range of industries, including advanced manufacturing, food processing and biotechnology.

Advanced manufacturing sector employs 14% of the state’s total workforce – 36% higher than the national employment distribution for manufacturing. More than 6,000 manufacturers employ nearly 216,000 Iowans.

Iowa business advantages

Tax environment
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Single-factor, non-unitary tax based only on the percentage of total sales income within the state

0 – 12% corporate income tax

50% federal corporate income tax deduction

3.3% – 8.53% personal tax

100% deduction of federal personal income taxes

Right-to-work state
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An employee is not required to join a union or pay dues or fees to any labor union, association or organization as a condition of employment.

Refundable Research Activities Credit
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Earn refundable tax credits for research and development investments that may be paid directly in cash to the company once its tax liabilities have been met.


Diploma icon

28.9% of the population has at least a bachelor’s degree

92.1% of the population have completed high school

Pipeline to great talent


Workforce dynamics is increasingly complex with employers battling for a reliable stable of talent to help them win against all odds. A steady pool of candidates who are educated, qualified and prepared to step up and fill relevant key roles within their organizations can be the difference between growth and a slow demise.

Public universities

university location enrollment
Ames 33,391
University of Iowa Iowa City 32,948
University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls 10,497


Community colleges

college location enrollment
Iowa Falls 949
Hawkeye Community College Waterloo 5,605
Indian Hills Community College Ottumwa 4,412
Iowa Central Community College Fort Dodge 5,788
Iowa Lakes Community College Estherville  2,011
Kirkwood Community College
Cedar Rapids  14,190
Marshalltown Community College Marshalltown 2,041
North Iowa Area Community College Mason City 2,995
Northeast Iowa Community College Calmar 1,655
Southeastern Community College West Burlington 601
Southwestern Community College Creston 1,600

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