100 Innovation Drive
Janesville, Wisconsin
Acreage: 5-57 contiguous acres
Topography: Flat
Zoning: Industrial
Site certification: Yes
Setting: Industrial park
Within city limits: Yes
TIF district: Yes
Sale price: $34,303 per acre
Nearest interstate: Interstate 39-90 (1.4 miles)
Nearest four-lane highway: State Highway 11
Nearest commercial airport: Southern Wisconsin Regional Airport (1.5 miles)
Rail served: No
Electric: Alliant Energy
– 600MW combined-cycle natural gas power plant located within 5 miles, 138 kV looped, 25 MVA transformer.
Gas: Alliant Energy
– Pressure: 54 psi
Sewer distribution: City of Janesville
– There is a 21″ gravity flow sanitary main on the north boundary of the site.
Water distribution: City of Janesville
– There is a 16″ main on the north boundary of the site. Capacity is 14.2 MGD. There are two feeds to the site, but it is not looped. The City water system has a design capacity of 35.57 million gallons per day. General demand is 8.2 million gallons per day with peak demand being 14.1 million gallons per day.