County Road E41 (Lincoln Highway)
Ames, Iowa 50010
Available acres: 730
Topography: Flat
Zoning: Agriculture
Site certification: Quest Site Solutions
Adjacent available acres: 0
Setting: Industrial center
Within city limits: Yes
Sale price: $35,000 per acre
Nearest interstate: Interstate 35 (western boundary of the site)
Nearest four-lane highway: U.S. Highway 30 (southern boundary of the site)
Nearest commercial airport: Des Moines International Airport (39 miles)
Rail served: Yes – Union Pacific
Electric: Alliant Energy
– Primary voltage: 12.5kV
– Capacity: 30 MW
– Voltage of nearest transmission lines: 69kV and 161kV
– Looped: Yes
Gas: Alliant Energy
– Main: 10 inches
– Pressure: 10″ 420 psi and 10″ 120 psi
Sewer distribution: City of Ames
– Peak capacity at plant per day: 8.6 million gallons
– BOD lbs per day: 12,430 lbs per day
– TSS lbs per day: 11,560 lbs per day
Water distribution: City of Ames
– Peak capacity at plant per day: 15 million gallons
– Pressure: 50-55 psi
Telecommunications: 1 Gbps fiber optic line at site