Alliant Energy® Community Solar – Janesville for business customers

Make the transition to affordable clean energy.

Community solar offers clean, local energy for your business that can offset a portion of your electric bill. It won’t require the installation of solar panels on your property and will set your business apart as a leader in sustainability.

Invest in Alliant Energy® Community Solar – Janesville and use clean energy to reduce your carbon footprint, without having to manage a private system. We build, own and maintain a dedicated solar site for our subscribers.

Simply make a one-time, upfront payment to secure 250-watt blocks of solar energy. And the best part is, you’ll receive ongoing monthly bill credits for the next 20 years. The estimated return on your investment is 11 years.

Your business may also:

  • Claim renewable energy credits.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to environmental sustainability by enabling clean, local energy.

When you subscribe to the Alliant Energy® Community Solar program, your business supports efforts to create a healthier environment and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. As a community-funded project, Alliant Energy's Community Solar program depends on your support. When you enroll, we’ll create informational materials to recognize your support and inform your employees and customers about our program. 

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Photo: Alliant Energy® Community Solar –Fond du Lac

Anchor tenant opportunity

Take the next step. Become an anchor tenant. Besides financial benefits, you’ll also receive: 

  • Annual renewable energy credits retired on your behalf to offset carbon emissions. 
  • Recognition from Alliant Energy® Community Solar in our news releases and social media posts and signs you can post at your business.  
  • The opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to environmental sustainability by enabling clean, local energy. 

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Get started

Community solar is available to Wisconsin electric customers on a first-come, first served basis. Participation is easy.

Step 1

Use this calculator to determine the number of 250-watt solar energy-producing blocks you need to meet your green goals. You can purchase a subscription equal to 10%, 25%, 50% and even up to 100% of your energy use. 

Step 2

Sign up. Once you determine the number of solar blocks you need, complete the Alliant Energy® Community Solar subscriber form.

Step 3

Pay for blocks upfront or in 12-month installments at no extra cost. Each 250-watt block costs $337. There is also a one-time $25 administration fee.  

Step 4

Receive a bill credit each month for up to 20 years. The credit is based on solar production. Sunnier days mean a larger credit. Bill credits begin once you pay the upfront subscription fee in full and the solar site is operational. See estimated bill credits below.

Bill credit estimates

An average Rock County commercial customer uses 112,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year.

These estimates demonstrate how community solar can reduce electricity costs for an average business.

number of blocks 1 50 250 450
Upfront subscription fee*
$337 $16,850 $84,250 $151,650
Estimated annual kWh 441 22,100 110,300 198,600
Annual bill credit, first year
($0.0775/kWh minimum credit)**
$34 $1,700 $8,500 $15,300
Estimated 20-year total bill credit*** $650 $32,900 $164,500 $296,000

*Does not include the one-time $25 administration fee.
**As of Jan 2024, estimated solar production rate is $0.0835 for residential and $0.0775 for commercial customers. The floor rate will be established at the time the solar garden is operational.
***Estimate includes degradation over the 20-year program.

All figures are estimates. Actual credits may vary.

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Hear from our subscribers

Why are existing customers and community members excited about community solar? Hear from them below in their own words. You can also see all the testimonials.
Michels Corporation
Michels company building

We get asked a lot about green initiatives … and this is one way that we can show that we are participating.”

Pat Michels, president and CEO
Michels Corporation
Brownville, Wisconsin
Alliant Energy® Community Solar – Fond du Lac anchor tenant

See more of Pat's testimonial.
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes
video screenshot

“I think having this opportunity to go green is showing the whole state that green energy is good for jobs. It’s good for the planet.

Sister Susan Seeby
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

See more of Sister Susan's testimonial.
Gary's Foods
Man in grocery store

“We found it was a simple way to get started with solar. Our business and operations still reap the benefits from the renewable energy.”

Peter Dietrich, general manager
Gary’s Foods
Mt. Vernon, Iowa 

See all testimonials.

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