Easy and affordable renewable energy

How does it work?

With your enrollment in Second Nature, we're able to buy more earth-friendly renewable energy produced from wind and solar power.

start building a greener future today!

What is my monthly Second Nature contribution?


  1. 1

    What percentage would you like to contribute?

    This field is required
  2. 2

    What is your monthly kilowatt-hour usage? (This can be found on your bill or in My Account.)

    This field is required

Learn more about Second Nature for your business.

We combine your requirement with other Second Nature customers to get the month's total green requirement. Then we make sure we're bringing enough new green energy into our energy pool to meet the total green requirement. This additional green energy displaces electricity that would otherwise come from sources like coal, gas and nuclear. 

For a complete list of the resources included in Second Nature and to see what customers received last year, view the Product Mix.

Want to increase your participation level?

Complete the online enrollment form, call 1-800-972-5325 or email secondnature@alliantenergy.com and request an enrollment card.

Participation costs

Iowa participation costs

Monthly electric use 25% level (+ $0.0025/kWh) 50% level (+ $0.005/kWh) 100% level (+ $0.01/kWh)
800 kWh $2.00 $4.00 $8.00
1,021 kWh
$2.55 $5.11 $10.21
1,200 kWh
$3.00 $6.00 $12.00

Billing also includes an adjustment per kilowatt-hour to compensate for changes in the cost of fuel. The Second Nature™ energy cost adjustment will be fixed for each calendar year and will be recalculated on an annual basis with the most recent actual 12-month period of energy costs and applied in the first calendar month after approval by the Iowa Utilities Board.

Wisconsin participation costs

Monthly electric use
25% level (+ $0.0025/kWh) 50% level (+ $0.005/kWh) 100% level (+ $0.01/kWh)
800 kWh $2.00 $4.00 $8.00
1,021 kWh $2.55 $5.11 $10.21
1,200 kWh $3.00 $6.00 $12.00
 Fuel adjustment clause surcharges will be prorated based on the customer's level of participation as follows:
  • 25% level participation: $0.0025 charge per kilowatt-hour plus 75% of fuel adjustment clause surcharges
  • 50% level participation: $0.0050 charge per kilowatt-hour plus 50% of fuel adjustment clause surcharges
  • 100% level participation: $0.0100 charge per kilowatt-hour

To change your participation level, complete the online enrollment form, call 1-800-ALLIANT (800-255-4268) or email secondnature@alliantenergy.com, and request an enrollment card.



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